Thursday, March 09, 2006

Should we clients fear our lawyers after the Leslie Cumming attack

It's certainly a valid point, after the vicious attack on Leslie Cumming - which the Police currently seem to be considering to be coming from within the legal profession itself .....

So, just how safe are us clients, if the lawyers are ordering murder hits on their own colleagues ?
Does this not show a Scottish legal profession out of control ?
Could it be the case that perhaps ... clients in the past who have complained against their lawyer have been 'roughed up' by contacts, or associates of their lawyer ? or even have been subject to the same kind of attack as poor Mr Cumming, or revenge attacks in other ways .. and it has gone without being reported or not investigated by the Police ?

Surely if a lawyer can be a suspect in an organised violent attack, or a murder bid on a colleague - and on a regulatory colleague at that .. they can certainly be capable of organising the same kind of treatment to a client ...
Whether it be actions of revenge of an aggrieved lawyer by way of harrassment against a complaining client by way of anonymous & false tips to the cops, visits from the inland revenue on false info provided by a lawyer 'to get at' their former client, or a burglary on a client's house carried out by a house breaking criminal which a lawyer has defended in the past (I am aware of certain instances such as this) .... we, the clients, will certainly have to be on our guard over such appalling & violent behaviour from the legal profession against not only their own, but anyone who gets in their way ...

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